Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Airbag lab

Dylan and I did this lab together, as we had the same bag. We checked the math many times over but we still failed. I still feel awful about getting a zero on a lab so I don't really want to talk about it much

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Preparing for the end of the course

Here's some final links on Gas Laws. The end is in sight, my friends.


For the weekly quiz I prepared by doing the lecture quizzes and watching videos. I need to prepare for more conceptual stuff though

Gas Laws Lesson 1, 2, 3

These laws deal with
Pressure= P
Volume= V
Temperature= T
Moles= n

Boyles Law: Temperature is held constant

Charles Law: Pressure is held constant

Avogardo Law: (MOLES!) Temperature and pressure are held constant (at STP)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Energy Test

I don't think the test was too bad! Despite having only 28 minutes for 20 questions, everyone finished. The lecture test were super helpful. I am kicking myself though because I over thought a couple of questions that I knew, which was annoying. But I am still happy with how it went!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Biodiesel Boat Races

This week we made our own biodiesel using Old Chick-fil-a oil. Which was absolutely disgusting and made me sick. But Dylan and I's biodiesel lasted in the cup and we were able to use it to run our surfboard boat (The Silver Surfer). The Silver Surfer met our expectations of being the slowest boat to cross the finish line! We are proud.
Some links to help with the project:
How to Make Biodiesel 
Why using Biodiesel is better
Biodiesel Engine
Putt Putt Engine