Thursday, October 29, 2015

Matter and Measurement Unit Exam

Well considering I did very well on the quiz- I'm shocked to see that I did not do as well on the test. I didn't think it was too hard but what can ya do. Such is life. More studying next time.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Matter and Measurement quiz

We took a quiz on Monday over the things we leaned so far regarding matter and measurement, it wasn't too bad as long as you looked over your class notes. I'm pretty nervous about the unit test though, here's some things to study:

Metric Conversions

How to convert metrics


Accuracy v. Precision

More conversion

More sig figs

Monday, October 26, 2015

Mole Party

Our mole party went great! Everyone's moles were so cute! It was a good break- but onto the next thing as always. Happy Mole Day!


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Ther 'Mole' Vision

This week I made a cute mole! ... like the animal. I wish I had pictures but they got deleted whoops. Anyway, I made it out of felt. The feet were tan colored, and the body was brown. I made little thermal goggles for him out of grey and green felt. His tail and nose were tan pom poms. Did it for the pun.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Aspirin Lab

This week some of our class did the Aspirin lab. I didn't get to do the lab though, despite memorizing the entire lab packet. Since I did that I'm going to make a blog post about the lab, with data and pictures from the wonderful Meg Tersteeg's lab.
Cutting out filter paper in preparation

1st day of lab:

First you use a weigh boat to measure out 5.00g of Salicylic acid (C7H603 ). Then you transfer it to a 125mL Erlenmeyer flask.
Record this starting mass: 5.1444g
Weigh boat
Then bring the flask under the hood and have 7.00mL of acetic anhydride ( C4H603 ) delivered to the flask. It is important to not let the acetic anhydride to contact your skin or let the vapor get in your eyes, as it is a dangerous acid.

Now add 8 drops of the catalyst, Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4).

Next you heat the starting materials:

Assemble a hot water bath using with a 400, 600, or 800 mL beaker. Do this at your lab bench and place the flask in it. Heat till boiling + an additional 15 minutes

Heating the flask
Lastly for day one, you cool the mixture.

Allow flask to sit on lab bench to cool for about 15 minutes

After, add 15mL of ice cold water to decompose the excess anhydride.

Place flask in ice bath till crystallization of aspirin is complete.

Day two:

Isolate the product-

Collect the solid aspirin using a Buchner funnel and filter paper. Rinse flask twice with 3mL of ice cold water to remove any residual crystals.

Discard leftover filtrate in waste container under the hood.

Buchner funnel set up
Rinsing flask with ice cold deionized water
Lastly in the lab you dry the product by suction filtration.
Dry the crystal by pulling air through them for 15 minutes.
Finished, dried product.
I chose to write about the lab procedure instead of the significance of the lab because I did not get to participate in the lab.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Day the Stars Went Out

Finally done with the star project. I actually enjoyed it very much, learning about lots of stars and their history was really interesting. Excited for the new unit though, wasn't incredibly fond of this one. 

Helpful star log links: