Monday, November 23, 2015

Final test thoughts

Well I got an 81 so I guess it wasn't too bad. Still hoping I'll be a bit more prepared for tests in the future. On to chemical reactions! 

Solubility lab

This week we completed the solubility lab. I passed the pre-lab quiz so I was able to get started right away. Basically we had a chart of certain chemicals & mixed them together in a palette to determine whether they have a driving force or not. I predicted the entire chart the night before by working out each equation. This made it a lot easier to complete all the ionic formulas as I only had to redo the ones with an unexpected result. My favorites in this lab were the reactions that turned vibrant colors.
Our palette of reactions!
Such as the yellow one here. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Test thoughts

It was hard. I can't think or do math that fast. Here's how I feel inside:

Chloride lab

This week we completed the Chloride  lab.
In this lab we measured a dry 100 mL beaker to the nearest 0.001 g and record this mass in the data table.

Then we placed a small amount of zinc into the beaker and determined the mass of the beaker + zinc and recorded it in the data table.
We added10 mL of 3M HCl.  With a hot plate, we heated the mixture until all of the zinc has dissolved.

We continued heating the solution until all of the water and excess HCl have been boiled away. We stopped heating after the last bit of liquid was gone and the solid formed 

Lastly we let it cool for several minutes and then determined the mass of the beaker and contents. 
As post lab we found the formula for the salt 

Here are some links to the lessons reinforced in the lab 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

First Chemical Composition Lessons

I'm actually so surprised at how well I'm understanding these lessons. I've done well on all the activities so far, and seem to be doing everything correctly. I hope this continues!

Here's some links regarding what we're doing:

Mole Conversion 

About Moles

Molar Mass

Chemical Composition Pre-Test

Wow, I knew absolutely nothing on that pre-test. I gave up on about the third problem and just filled in B. Hopefully things will start getting easier.