Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Energy Test

I don't think the test was too bad! Despite having only 28 minutes for 20 questions, everyone finished. The lecture test were super helpful. I am kicking myself though because I over thought a couple of questions that I knew, which was annoying. But I am still happy with how it went!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Biodiesel Boat Races

This week we made our own biodiesel using Old Chick-fil-a oil. Which was absolutely disgusting and made me sick. But Dylan and I's biodiesel lasted in the cup and we were able to use it to run our surfboard boat (The Silver Surfer). The Silver Surfer met our expectations of being the slowest boat to cross the finish line! We are proud.
Some links to help with the project:
How to Make Biodiesel 
Why using Biodiesel is better
Biodiesel Engine
Putt Putt Engine

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Biodiesel video


Unfortunately I do not have the link to Dylan's video since I'm in New York, but I saw it and it looks great! I'm glad he was able to finish it on his own, I feel awful about it.

What is Biodiesel?

I've learned a lot about biodiesel in these few days researching it for Dylan and I's video. I think explained it best:

"Biodiesel is a renewable, clean-burning diesel replacement that is reducing U.S. dependence on foreign petroleum, creating jobs and improving the environment. Made from a diverse mix of feedstocks including recycled cooking oil, soybean oil, and animal fats, it is the first and only EPA-designated Advanced Biofuel in commercial-scale production across the country and the first to reach 1 billion gallons of annual production. Meeting strict technical fuel quality and engine performance specifications, it can be used in existing diesel engines without modification and is covered by all major engine manufacturers’ warranties, most often in blends of up to 5 percent or 20 percent biodiesel. It is produced at plants in nearly every state in the country."

Now we start making a video