Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Oh boy. I feel like that was way harder than it should have been. I've had an easy time learning this yet I didn't do very well on the test. I don't mind making connections between what I've learned and harder questions but to do it on a test with limited time worth a huge amount of points is very nerve wracking. Trying to find a way around this confusion still.

Some study links for people who didn't take it yesterday for some reason:
Stoichiometry 1
2- Video
LOTS of links and resources

Example of how to set up the problems - Source

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, I was the same way during the quiz. During the lectures I felt great about it and thought that the quiz would be straight forward, but I was very wrong. Anyway, the quizzes are not worth a scary amount of points like our tests so it isnt as detrimental to our grades. Hopefully you have taken the time to fully understand the subject... good luck on our unit test this Tuesday!
