Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Solving a Murder Lab Day one

In this lab we are testing unknown solutions with test solutions in order to find a murderer through molarity. In the lab we mixed 10mL of the unknown solution (Silver Nitrate) with 20mL of the test solution, Sodium carbonate in order to form a precipitate. Once the reaction had occurred, we poured the solution into a funnel with filter paper connected to an Erlenmeyer flask to extract the solid. We weighed the filter paper before hand. On day two we will measure the filter paper + solid and determine molarity.


  1. Great explanation, Aly! We pretty much did the same thing for our lab, except the fact that we forgot about the 1:2 ratio. We ended up mixing 24 ml of silver nitrate and 24 ml of sodium carbonate. I think that is the reason our precipitate turned out dark grey. Oh well, what are we gonna do.

  2. I agree with Varun, you did a NICE job explaining the lab. And he pictures were great!
